Poetry by Victoria

2024 “First They Send You to Limbo”
The Heartland Review, Vol. 24, No. 2, Spring 2024
First Place, 2024 Joy Bale Boone Poetry Prize
2024 “Not Yet, My Grandchildren Aren’t Ready”
The Heartland Review, Vol. 24, No. 2, Spring 2024
Finalist, 2024 Joy Bale Boone Poetry Prize
2024 “How to Embellish an Upper Case V and Not Ruin It”
Waterwheel Review, Issue #34, March 2024
2024 “Baby Birds”
Rat’s Ass Review, Spring-Summer 2024 Issue
2023 “Grandma’s Telling Me”
Poetry Super Highway, October 23-29, 2023
“Poetry from Contest Winners Heidi Kasa, Nicole Adabunu and Victoria Melekian”
2023 “A Mother’s Litany—How to Prepare for a Child’s Hospital Stay”
Medmic: Poetry, posted Sep 24, 2023
2023 “Some Things Can’t Last Forever”
Random Sample Review, Issue 9
2023 “Wind Season in Los Angeles”
Rust & Moth, Autumn 2023
2023 “There’s a Nest in the Purple-Flowered Tree”
The Big Windows Review, Issue 32, Summer 2023, p 30
2023 “Everything Was Going to be Better”
805 Lit + Art, Vol. 9, Issue 2, 2023
Nominated for 2024 Best of the Net Anthology
2023 “Who Dreams Up This Stuff”
As It Ought To Be Magazine, April 26, 2023
2023 “Obviously, This Dream Means I’m a Bad Mother”
Burningword Literary Journal, April 2023, Issue 106
2023 “Space is Silent”
The Sunlight Press, “Poetry By Victoria Melekian,” Feb 22, 2023
2023 “Katie Asks Why Not Be Optimistic”
The Sunlight Press, “Poetry By Victoria Melekian,” Feb 22, 2023
2022 “Shopping for Home”
Thimble Literary Magazine, Fall 2022, Vol. 5 No. 2
2022 “No More Lonely White Moon”
The Orchards Poetry Journal, Summer 2022, p. 109
Orchards Poetry Journal
2022 “Welcome Back”
Gyroscope Review, Spring 2022, p. 63
Gyroscope Review, Spring 2022, PDF
2022 “Maybe I Can Save a Monarch”
Lake Affect Magazine, Vol. 60, Winter/Spring 2022, p. 42
2021 “Splintered White Picket Fence”
Third Wednesday, October 21, 2021
2021 “Wishful Dreaming”
Willows Wept Review, Issue Twenty-Two, Fall 2021, p. 5
Read on MagCloud
2021 “Colleen, Say Yes”
Willows Wept Review, Issue Twenty-Two, Fall 2021, p. 6
Read on MagCloud
2021 “Hey, I‘ll Believe Anything”
CP Quarterly, Issue No. 12, Spring 2021, p. 46
2021 “There’s a Lot of Collected Energy in There”
CP Quarterly, Issue No. 12, Spring 2021, p. 47
2021 “My Heart is a Shattered Windshield”
ONE ART: a journal of poetry, June 16, 2021
2021 “Some Call It Treasure”
The Literary Nest, Vol 7, Issue 2: Poetry, April 28, 2021
2021 “Hallelujah This Sky”
Autumn Sky Poetry Daily, April 8, 2021
2020 “Redistribution”
River Heron Review, Issue 3.2, Aug 1, 2020
2020 “The Accidental Courage of Our Lives”
River Heron Review, Issue 3.2, Aug 1, 2020
2020 “Quite Likely a Cerebellar Astrocytoma”
Sheila-Na-Gig online, Volume 4.4, Summer 2020: The Poets
2020 “For My Sons, A Few Facts”
Better Than Starbucks, May & June, 2020
Free Verse with Vera Ignatowitsch
2019 “Escape to Moon Palace”
Eunoia Review, February 19, 2019
2019 “The End of Me”
Eunoia Review, February 19, 2019.
2019 “Just Because”
Eunoia Review, February 18, 2019
2019 “Going to be Saved”
Eunoia Review, February 18, 2019
2019 “Alchemy”
Eunoia Review, February 17, 2019
2019 “Start with Beautiful and Go From There”
Eunoia Review, February 17, 2019
2019 “She’ll Be Gone Before I Tell Her No”
Eunoia Review, February 16, 2019
2019 “Counting”
Eunoia Review, February 16, 2019
2019 “New Year’s Eve”
Eunoia Review, February 15, 2019
2018 “Looking Back”
Front Porch Review, Vol. 10 October 2018
2017 “Oncology Waiting Room”
Vine Leaves Literary Journal: A Collection of Vignettes From Across the Globe, edited by Jessica Bell, 78. Melbourne, Australia: Vine Leaves Press, 2017.
2017 “Tomatoes”
Vine Leaves Literary Journal: A Collection of Vignettes From Across the Globe, edited by Jessica Bell, 101. Melbourne, Australia: Vine Leaves Press, 2017.
2017 “Sinking”
Fixional, June 2017 fixionalinc.com/sinking
2017 “A History, as Revealed by the Kitchen Junk Drawer”
Fixional, June 2017. fixionalinc.com/a-history-as-revealed-by-the-kitchen-junk-drawer
2016 “Looking for Hope”
Only Light Can Do That: 100 Post-Election Poems, Stories, & Essays, edited by Michelle Franke, 7. Los Angeles: The Rattling Wall and PEN Center USA.
2016 “Lament”
Mudfish 19, edited by Jill Hoffman, 71. New York: Box Turtle Press.
2016 “Diagnosis”
Verse-Virtual: An Online Community Journal of Poetry, (May 2016), www.verse‑virtual.com
2016 “Going to the Chapel”
Verse-Virtual: An Online Community Journal of Poetry, (May 2016), www.verse‑virtual.com
2016 “Status: Post Left Breast Carcinoma”
Verse-Virtual: An Online Community Journal of Poetry, (May 2016), www.verse‑virtual.com
2015 “Normal”
In Green Hills Literary Lantern, Vol. XXVI (2015). GHLL XXVI
2015 “Once I Was Young and Obedient”
In Green Hills Literary Lantern, Vol. XXVI (2015). GHLL XXVI
2015 “The Accident”
In Bryant Literary Review, Vol 16 (2015), 116.
2014 “Sentinal Node”
In Atlanta Review, Vol. XXI, no. 1 (Fall/Winter 2014), 30. Republished online in Verse‑Virtual, (May 2016), www.verse‑virtual.com
2014 “Whistling in the Dark”
In A Year in Ink: Volume 7, edited by Shadab Zeest Hashmi (San Diego: Ink Spot Press), 62.
2014 “Coasting Downhill”
In A Year in Ink: Volume 7, edited by Shadab Zeest Hashmi (San Diego: Ink Spot Press), 63. Republished online in Verse‑Virtual, (May 2016), www.verse‑virtual.com
2013 “Shooting Star”
Serving House Journal, Issue 8. servinghousejournal.com/MelekianStar.aspx
2008 “Going Nowhere”
In A Year in Ink: Volume 1, edited by Thomas Larson, 124-125. San Diego: Ink Spot Press.
2008 “What's Under My House”
In A Year in Ink: Volume 1, 126.
2008 “Leaving Blue”
In A Year in Ink: Volume 1, 127.
2005 “I Hate Being a Poet”
In Magee Park Poets: Anthology 2006, edited by Shadab Zeest Hashmi, 50. Carlsbad, CA: Friends of the Carlsbad City Library.
2004 “Feels Like Home”
In Magee Park Poets: Anthology 2005, edited by Shadab Zeest Hashmi, 53. Carlsbad, CA: Friends of the Carlsbad City Library.
2003 “Writing Prompts”
In Magee Park Poets: Anthology 2004, edited by Shadab Zeest Hashmi, 23. Carlsbad, CA: Friends of the Carlsbad City Library.
2002 “Dots”
In Magee Park Poets: Anthology 2003, edited by Shadab Zeest Hashmi, 33. Carlsbad, CA: Friends of the Carlsbad City Library.
2002 “If I Lived Alone”
In ONTHEBUS 17/18, edited by Jack Grapes, 165. Los Angeles: Bombshelter Press.
2000 “Driving Time”
In Pearl: 25th Anniversary Issue, 29: 62.
1999 “Immeasurable Love”
In ONTHEBUS 15/16, edited by Jack Grapes, 179. Los Angeles: Bombshelter Press.